“Worship 모음” 11곡

이스라엘 뮤직 “Worship 모음” 11곡 지금까지 올라온 이스라엘 뮤직 중 Worship만 골라 11곡을 한 번에 들을 수 있게 준비해 봤습니다 찬양 사역자 이소영의 곡 소개와 함께 듣는 Worship 모음

  1. “Hallelujah Ki Malach Eloheinu(Hallelujah Our God Reigns)- King of Kings”
  2. “I will run to your arms”- King of kings worship
  3. “Ki El Shomreinu Ata (for you are God our keeper) – king of kings worship”
  4. “Adonai Adoneinu” – King of kings community Jerusalem worship team
  5. “Kadosh ata – Northlandchurch.net worship”
  6. “Im Taamdu Bidvari” – king of Kings community Yerusalem Worship
  7. Ruach Adonai Alai – King of Kings Worship Team
  8. “지금은 엘리야 때처럼” – 폴위버
  9. ‘Kiko ahave Elohim et haolam’
  10. “B`chol Libi – Sheli Myers”
  11. ‘Melech Ha’kavod – Epicenter Worship’